Taken by the Destroyer Trilogy
Taken by the Destroyer Trilogy: A Prison Planet Romance
- Taken by the Destroyer
The Adune Prison in sector VI Alpha was the worst place in the universe. It was the pit reserved for only the most horrific criminals. A collection of evil overlords, genocidal megalomaniacs, and some creatures with crimes too horrible to fathom. And through some cosmic joke, Elisa was going to be joining them. She would not last the day.
- Taken by the Destroyer II
Adune Prison was the worst place in the universe. At least it was until Elisa was claimed by the most dangerous inmate. Now, the only danger she faces is her out-of-control feelings for him. Adnin is a force of destruction like the universe has never seen, but Elisa just cannot stay away from him. Worse still, the feeling is mutual. He can protect her from everything else, but no one can protect her from her own heart.
- Taken by the Destroyer III
Adune Prison was the worst place in the universe, so they were breaking out. Adnin's careful plans have finally come to fruition, but Elisa's future with him is less certain. Many things can go wrong during an escape. And staying together during the prison break does not guarantee forever. Can there be a future for Adnin and Elisa? Or will it all fade once the prison is behind them?